In The Morning Morning sex is the most important meal of the day. You’ll look better and feel relaxed. It strengthens the immune system for the day and enhances levels of an antibody which protects the body against infections. It releases chemicals that boost levels of estrogen which improves the tone and texture of the…

The Misery ~Episode 4

I didn’t go to the shop the following day. I was fatigued by the tidying up and the depressed mind of our collapsed building. I wondered how many months its going to take dad to raise the building again. Chris’s dad wouldn’t let my dad go rent a house. He said he doesn’t want my…

How I Lost My Virginity ~Episode 1

My name is Lomew Inyang, am 16 years old. I had just finished my secondary school few months and I was looking for a place to go, far away from home, for a change of environment. So when my immediate elder brother told me that it was cool if I wanted to come and spend…