THE MAID – Episode 7


“How many people fell from the building?” Her mother asked again.. Sonia was not surprised at her mother. It was no new kind of question to her. Her mother had always remained a mystery to her. “Mum, I was the only woman there”.

You know its not for women but I had to do it. I had to do it Mum to raise some money in order to get you more drugs. I just don’t know why you are always hostile to me Mum”. There were tears in her voice this time as she went for a seat, holding her aching leg, sobbing and moaning in pain. “you are too lazy” That was all she heard the woman she called her mother say with a disdainful hiss. “Mum, you know what? Overtime I have always wondered if I actually came out from your womb”Sonia said and stormed out of the house with the pains she felt all over her body, to get some pain killers.

Being a pretty young girl, she was so much admired by young men and even the married ones alike but she never paid them any attention. Paul, one of the young men in her neighbourhood vowed to have his way with her by all means. He had tried everything under his power to earn her friendship but she abruptly turned him down.
“Baby I don’t mean any harm I just want to be a friend. I  wish you could just come over to my house one of these days to see where I live.” Paul had one day told her. When Sonia finally visited him, after agreeing to be just a friend, Paul offered her a drink and she took it. The next thing she discovered was that she opened her eyes and found herself on the bed, stack naked. Not even a bra was on her. Blood was all over the bedspread. “noooo. Jesus nooo” She covered her face with her palms and cried out in pains. She opened her eyes again and found Paul at one corner of the room staring at her. She quickly grabbed the bed spread and covered her nakedness.

With eyes full of tears she focused her gaze on him “Paul. Paul why,,,,whyyy Paul. You betrayed my trust paul. I told you I am a virgin. Do you have to do this?”She couldn’t control the tears anymore as they flowed freely from her eyes.



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