In The Heart Of a Lady 18+ ~Episode 5

This story is rated 18, contains strong language and sex. This is a story of a girl called Becky who had vowed never to go into any relationship again, because of her past experience… The events surrounding how she lost her virginity made her heart a stone to crack.. Who is bold enough to open…

Kibi College of Education Students demonstrate over food

Students of Colleges of Education in Ghana may be facing ‘Educational Unrest’ after series of issues facing them in recent times. Students were earlier faced with the abolishing of allowances by the government, the single paper referrals by University of Cape Coast and finally being served with low quality food . Earlier, Students of Accra…


“Let me in!” Jeremy found himself arguing with purity secretary on Monday morning. The woman wouldn’t let him see purity. How did he even get himself into this? It was Edwin Broderick – his father. The man had always dreamed of having a daughter in-law and now he chose Purity. If not for her, he’d…

In The Heart Of a Lady 18+ ~Episode 4

This story is rated 18, contains strong language and sex. This is a story of a girl called Becky who had vowed never to go into any relationship again, because of her past experience… The events surrounding how she lost her virginity made her heart a stone to crack.. Who is bold enough to open…